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Samsung has confirmed that it is investigating a potential cyberattack and data breach on an internal employee platform and several systems in South Korea.

According to a statement released by Genesis Day on January 17, they targeted Samsung following an “official ceremony marking the establishment of the Republic of Korea’s Diplomatic Mission to NATO.”

The group claimed responsibility for hacking the internal File Transfer Protocol service, internal employee system, and intranet of the Samsung Group in South Korea.

They also claimed that they would be disclosing the business data files of the Samsung Group in France, the internal MFA flow chart of Samsung, the internal demonstration video of Samsung Group, the necessary steps for Samsung internal system login, the employee access credentials for the Samsung intranet system, and all Samsung employee credentials.

Additionally, they have emphasised that a severe network crash in South Korea will only bother them if they continue to take deliberate measures.

“We are aware of the recent online posting and are in the process of verifying the claim,” a Samsung spokesperson said in an interview.

Genesis Day has forewarned South Korea that they would have to deal with something even more extreme if they continue collaborating with other countries and taking targeted actions.

In 2022, Samsung faced some of its most difficult challenges yet, as it was attacked twice. The first attack happened in March when the Lapsus$ extortion organisation breached its systems and stole vast amounts of data, including the source code for the Galaxy smartphone.

The second attack came a few months later when hackers exploited a vulnerability in their U.S.-based systems in July. On August 4, the company’s security team learned that customer information had been compromised. 

Both attacks significantly impacted Samsung’s reputation as a secure and reliable technology provider.

With cybercrime on the rise, all companies and organisations must take the necessary steps to protect their systems and data from malicious actors.

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