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Many customers have been left feeling “traumatised” and are now demanding answers from The Good Guys about the recent data breach incident. 

After officially acknowledging the hack and claiming that individuals impacted are members of their Concierge Loyalty program, the store that advertises great deals has found itself in damage control.

The Good Guys is the latest in a string of major companies affected by hackers, following reports of data theft from Optus and Medibank customers last year. 

Fro Ali, 27, a member of Good Guys Concierge and a victim of Optus’ latest cyberattack, feels betrayed.

“My trust, particularly with Optus, for instance, has decreased dramatically, and now that I’ve found out about The Good Guys, I’m worried about them as well,” Ali said.

“My details were taken, and I had to get a new passport, so it was traumatising.”

Wendy Adam is likewise a part of the Concierge loyalty program and has already been contacted by the company through email. She said that data breaches at Optus, insurance provider AHM, and now The Good Guys had affected her and a few of her relatives.

“To be told your name and details are floating around the dark web somewhere does create a huge amount of anxiety because you don’t know if someone is using your information for criminal purposes,” Adam said.

Despite being attacked “99 per cent” of the time, Australian businesses are underprepared for cyber attacks, according to cyber security expert Michael Kamitsis of MLK Group.

The Good Guys explained that a third-party business, currently known as My Rewards, ran the Concierge reward program when it was compromised in August 2021.

Up to 1.5 million Australians’ personal information may be in danger, yet the company will only be contacting 325,000 Concierge club members personally.

The Good Guys breach is another reminder that hackers are constantly looking for weak spots in companies’ cybersecurity systems. 

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