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As cyber-attacks hit more and more companies, it’s becoming clear that ‘white hat’ or ‘ethical’ hackers are increasingly targeting companies from the inside.

This type of attack is often referred to as a ‘phishing’ attack, and it involves hackers targeting specific individuals or groups within an organisation to gain access to sensitive information.

According to Dr Thomas, a white hat hacker is “a cyber security professional with the same skills and tools and techniques as a malicious hacker, but the intent is good”.

Fellow hacker Mr Hopkins says, “ethical hacking is ‘a rush’ and the best job in the world”.

“You’re doing it without the risk of police rolling up at your door and also without the moral burden of doing something terrible,” he says.

“So it’s the best type of hacking.”

In many cases, the attackers will pose as legitimate employees or partners of the organisation to trick their targets into divulging confidential information.

Once they have this information, they can access the organisation’s systems and wreak havoc.

We’ve seen this attack successfully carried out against some of Australia’s biggest companies, including Optus, Medibank and Telstra.

“When you think about organisations getting hacked, often it’s not just one attack — it’s multiple attacks, and one just happened to get lucky,” said Dr Thomas.

He further added, “That’s why frequent testing is required.”

If you receive an email or other communication from someone purporting to be from your organisation, be cautious before clicking on any links or opening any attachments.

Always verify the identity of the sender before taking any action. If you think a spear phishing attack may have targeted you, immediately report it to your IT department or security team.

As per the sayings o Dr Thomas, “Hackers look like everyday people. You could walk past one in the street, and you wouldn’t know.”

By being vigilant and taking steps to protect yourself, you can help keep your organisation safe from these attacks.

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